Mr Phonewords is a leading provider of 1300, 1800 and 13 phonewords for Australian businesses.

Mr Phonewords is a leading provider of 1300, 1800 and 13 phonewords for Australian businesses.


If I have an office or call centre based outside Australia, can calls from my Australian clients be directed to these call centres and offices?

Absolutely! Phonewords allows for requests just like these.  

Contact one of our specialists for more information and a pricing schedule.

What is the breakdown of costs to my business and my customer?

For the customer:  
The chart below gives a rough overview of the costs to your customer to use a 13, 1300 or 1800 number.  Please note:  these prices are a guide only as exact charges may vary between different telephone providers.   


13 prefix

1300 prefix

1800 prefix

Cost to caller calling from:





Local call rate

Local call rate

Free of charge

Mobile *

Standard mobile rates apply

Standard mobile rates apply

Standard mobile rates apply

*The fees for mobiles vary between providers, but a typical fee (at July 2014) is approximately 20 cents per minute.


For the business owner:  

The business owner is responsible for paying for both the lease of the phoneword and a call fee. 

Call fee:


13 prefix

1300 prefix

1800 prefix

Cost to business owner:




Calling from a landline

Free for first 15 mins then pay per minute – based on call duration

Free for first 15 mins then pay per minute – based on call duration

Pay per minute – based on call duration

Calling from a mobile *

Free for first 15 mins then pay per minute – based on call duration

Free for first 15 mins then pay per minute – based on call duration

Pay per minute – based on call duration


lease fee:

The cost to lease a phoneword will vary according to the number, the geographical area (i.e national or regional service), your service provider and the duration of the lease. 
Costs can range from $100 (regional) to $3,000 (national) per month.

Yes.  MR PHONEWORDS has a database of words available and can offer you a range of words to suit your business. 

If there is a specific word you want, our specialists will help you.