Mr Phonewords is a leading provider of 1300, 1800 and 13 phonewords for Australian businesses.

Mr Phonewords is a leading provider of 1300, 1800 and 13 phonewords for Australian businesses.


Can I receive International calls to my Phoneword from outside of Australia?


In this instance, the caller is responsible for paying the international part of the call to Australia, and you are responsible for paying for the national part of the call - so it is very cost effective for Australian businesses.

What is the difference between a Phoneword, Smartnumber and Vanity phone number?

Nothing. They are all different names for the same thing. 

How phonewords translate to a phone number

If you look at your telephone keypad, you’ll see that every number (excluding number 1) has a series of letters associated with it. The number 2 is associated with A, B and C, the number 3 associates with D, E and F and so on.  

Phonewords use these letters to form telephone numbers. For example, 1300 MR PHONEWORDS will translate to 1300 677 466 when you press the numbers that correspond to the letters in the name. 

Every day, more and more businesses are turning to phonewords because they are proven much easier to remember than telephone numbers. Shouldn’t you do the same for your business?