Mr Phonewords is a leading provider of 1300, 1800 and 13 phonewords for Australian businesses.

Mr Phonewords is a leading provider of 1300, 1800 and 13 phonewords for Australian businesses.


What is the difference between 13, 1800 and 1300 Phonewords?

The main differences between 13, 1800 and 1300 numbers relate directly to the cost to the caller, the cost to the business and the overall length of the phoneword.

13 prefix:
13 prefix allows your customers to call from a fixed line anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call. 
13 prefix generally comprise of words up to 6 letters long however will allow up to 4 additional numbers.

1300 phonewords:
1300 prefix allows your customers to call from a fixed line anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call. Hence, they are often referred to as “toll free” numbers.
1300 prefix generally comprise of words up to 10 letters long however will allow up to 4 additional numbers. 

1800 prefix:
1800 prefix allows your customers to call from a fixed line anywhere in Australia free of charge.  Hence, they are often referred to as “free call” numbers.
1800 prefix generally comprise of words up to 10 letters long however will allow up to 4 additional numbers. 


13 prefix

1300 prefix

1800 prefix

Cost to caller

Local call rate

Local call rate

Free of charge

Standard length of word (letters)




Extra letters




What is overdialing

Overdialling occurs when a person dials a phoneword that is longer than the standard length of a 1300, 13 or 1800 phone number. 

Here’s an example: 

Most 1300 numbers have a 10-digit primary number. If you dial 1300 MR PHONEWORDS you are actually dialling a 12-digit number (1300 677 466 396 737). Phonewords allow for this by giving a business an extra 2 to 4 numbers. The extra numbers are effectively “ignored” by the phone carrier who reads only the first 6-10 digits pressed hence bringing the phone number back in line with the standard phone number length.

Here is a quick overview of overdialling allowances on phonewords:


13 prefix

1300 prefix

1800 prefix

Standard length of word (letters)




Extra letters allowed (overdialling)




Contact Mr PHONEWORDS today:

Snail Mail
PO Box 228, Liverpool, NSW, 1871
1300 MR PHONEWORDS (1300 677 466)
1800 2 FAX US (1800 232 987)

Alternatively, enter your details into the fields below, click “Submit” and a MR PHONEWORDS consultant will be in contact shortly. We look forward to assisting you.